Principal Dr. Adrian C. Cora-Waters
(609) 835-3881 x1038
Ms. Gloria J. Edwards
(609) 835-3881 x1038
School Counselor & Anti-Bullying Specialist
Stephanie Agin
(609) 835-3881 x5011
Ms. Ronda Wilson
rwilson@wboe.net(609) 835-3881 x5003
70 Sunset Road
Willingboro, New Jersey 08046
Main Office Phone: (609) 835-3881
Fax: (609) 835-xxxx

There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being – to help someone succeed. ~ Alan Loy McGinnis
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the J. Cresswell Stuart Early Childhood Development Center!
Our goal is to help our students explore, learn, discover, and build a strong academic foundation in a diverse, inclusive, caring, and safe educational environment. We strive to educate and address the needs of every child using developmentally appropriate practices and a nurturing approach. Our early childhood center is staffed by highly trained and experienced professionals. Everyone is committed to providing young learners with opportunities that expose them to rich, engaging, and joyful learning experiences. We are extremely excited about the work we do each day to help every child experience success. Through a robust curriculum, our students are academically challenged, engaged, and encouraged to be active participants in their own learning.
The staff at the ECDC believes that children are our most precious resource. We value each child as a unique individual with diverse talents and abilities. Our preschool program is designed to address the needs of the whole child. There are key factors that are essential building blocks that help to ensure the success of the young learners we value and respect. We support that children need loving and stable relationships that help them bond with their care-givers. Talking to young children is important to help develop language acquisition and build a strong vocabulary; therefore, we respectfully acknowledge that every child has a voice at the ECDC! Although children learn through talking, they also learn as they move and play in structured and unstructured ways. Our well-designed and safe play areas ensure that our children have an opportunity to develop their gross and fine motor skills as well as socially interact with others in positive and healthy ways. Children at the ECDC receive two nutritious and well-balanced meals each day prepared by a professional culinarian, and they have an opportunity to rest, which helps to foster healthy brain development and instill a sense of calm.
Our kindergarten students also have access to interesting, rewarding, and exciting educational opportunities. In addition to many of the essential building blocks for preschool, the kindergarten program prepares our students through a balanced literacy approach that uses research based curriculum and practices. Balanced literacy instruction helps to strengthen each child’s reading and writing skills through a differentiated instructional approach. The Eureka Math curriculum is also used to help children connect math to the real world, while building mathematical confidence. The NJSLS 2020 science standards and the social studies standards are integrated into other subject areas. Special subjects such as music, art, computer, library, and physical education are offered to all students. Our students also have access to the top trending educational apps, websites, online resources, and other innovative technological tools to enhance their learning.
In order to accomplish our work, we welcome parents, our Parent Teacher Association, community members, and other stakeholders to be deeply engaged and committed to make each child’s experience at the ECDC meaningful and memorable. Student learning is also augmented through field trips, assembly programs, and cultural activities that help to develop and expand critical knowledge through hands-on activities and experiences.
J. Cresswell Stuart Early Childhood Development Center is a beacon of hope for the community. It is our desire to be the best educational choice for the parents who have young children in the Willingboro Community. We are proud of the work that we do, and it is our honor and pleasure to help your child succeed at our school. We will work diligently to instill in each child a passion to learn not only for the moment but for a lifetime. We desire to further extend each child’s knowledge and encourage them to always be intrigued and curious about learning. We are ambitious as we inspire and prepare our students for college and career readiness in anticipation of a bright future.
We are excited that you are a part of the family! Together, we will make great things happen!
Dr. Adrian C. Cora-Waters
President - Shaina Wiley
Dates for the 2021-2022 SY – All meetings begin in the All-Purpose Room at 6:30 p.m.
September 30, 2021
October 28, 2021
November 25, 2021
December 16, 2021
January 27, 2022
February 24, 2022
March 24, 2022
April 28, 2022
May 26, 2022
June 22, 2022