Transportation Manager
Amber Monserrate
Assistant Transportation Coordinator
Peggy Schwanda
(609) 835-8786
Fax: (609) 835-3823
Assistant Transportation Coordinator
Tami Faust
(609) 835-8786
To empower educational success through safe, reliable, and efficient transportation. Through teamwork, innovation, and continuous improvement, we strive to enhance the quality of the experience of our students. Additionally, we aim to exceed the expectation of excellence while building lasting relationships with our school community.
Under state law, N.J.S.A. 18A:39-1, all public elementary school students (grades K-8) who live more than two miles from their school and all public secondary school students (grades 9-12) who live more than two-and-a-half miles from their school are entitled to transportation. These students are said to live "remote from school". Whenever a school district is required to provide transportation to students attending regular public school programs, students attending nonpublic schools who meet those distance requirements may also be entitled to transportation services.
Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Adhering to these rules and expectations is essential to our effort to provide safe and secure bus transportation for all transported students.
Students being transported are under the authority of the bus driver.
Fighting, wrestling, or boisterous activity is prohibited on the bus.
Students should use the emergency door only during emergencies.
Students shall not bring animals, firearms, weapons, or other potentially hazardous materials on the bus.
Students shall remain seated while the bus is in motion.
The bus driver may assign students seats.
Students shall not extend their hands, arms, or heads through bus windows.
Loud or vulgar language is prohibited.
Students shall not open or close windows without permission of the bus driver.
Students shall keep the bus clean and refrain from damaging it.
Students who refuse to abide by the rules and expectations of riding the school bus shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Parents/guardians or any other unauthorized individual are prohibited from boarding the bus at any time. Parents/guardians are not to address behavioral or other concerns directly with the bus driver. The driver’s attention must be focused on the safe transport of the students and they should not be distracted.
Concerns or complaints regarding the bus driver, bus route, or other aspects of the transportation operation may be directed toward the District transportation office.
Concerns or complaints regarding student behavior should be directed toward the appropriate building principal. The building principal or designee shall investigate reports of inappropriate behaviors and if verified may administer discipline within the guidelines in Policy 5600.
Incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying on the bus shall be punishable with the consequences outlined in Policy 5512 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying.
Gang activity is strictly prohibited in or around schools. Gang-related activities intended to intimidate or threaten the safety or well-being of others, or any gang-related act of violence or actual destruction of school property associated and/or affiliated with gang activity will result in consequences outlined in Policy 5616.
Any act of violence or aggression toward the bus driver shall result in consequences outlined in Policy 5612, Assault on District Board of Education Members or Employees.
To maintain safe and secure conditions for all pupils transported on school-owned or contracted school vehicles, the Board may use devices to monitor and/or observe pupil behavior, teacher and support staff behavior, school bus driver discipline procedures and/or school bus driver driving techniques. The device may be a sound video camera, a voice monitoring device, or other appropriate devices.
“Video and/or Audio Monitoring Devices Are Used On School Owned And Contracted Vehicles And This Vehicle May Be Monitored At Any Time.” The recording may be used in pupil and staff discipline matters, driver evaluations, or driver discipline or training as outlined in Policy 8690.
Please click here to view this policy in the online Policies & Procedures Manual.
Activity Bus Information
In addition to providing transportation to and from school each day, the Willingboro Township Board of Education also provides limited transportation for those students who remain after school to participate in clubs, instructional support, and school-sponsored co-curricular activities.
To be eligible for transportation, public school students in grades K-8 must live more than two miles from their school, and all public secondary school students in grades 9-12 must live more than two-and-a-half miles from their school. Only students eligible for daily transportation are permitted to board a late bus. The late bus is available Monday- Thursday (unless otherwise noted). Activity buses do not run on early dismissal days.
Predetermined centralized stops are designated in the areas eligible for busing. These stops differ from regular assigned bus stops and are mostly located at the nearest elementary school with a few exceptions. These are the only locations where the late bus will stop. Below is a list of schools currently utilizing late buses and the stops associated with each route.
Willingboro High School
M.L. King School
Hawthorne Elementary School
Bookbinder School
J.C Stuart E.C.D.C.
W.R. James Elementary School
Rittenhouse Drive & Rockland Drive
Memorial Middle School
Bookbinder School
Fairmount Drive & Fireside Drive
J.C Stuart E.C.D.C.
Rockland Drive Rittenhouse Drive
W.R. James Elementary School
Medley Lane & Millbrook Drive
Windover Lane Pool
All Things Are Possible Childcare
Twin Hills Elementary School
James A. Cotten Intermediate School
Twin Hills Elementary School
Garfield Park Academy
Garfield East E.C.D.C.
Needlepoint Drive & Nottingham Drive
M.L. King School
W.R. James Elementary School
Hawthorne Elementary School
Bookbinder School
J.C. Stuart E.C.D.C.
Rittenhouse Drive & Rockland Drive