2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR


The mission of the Willingboro Public School District is to create a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for all students. The district will implement differentiated, standards-based instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles. We will promote a safe and supportive environment, where each student’s self-esteem is fostered through positive relationships. In collaboration with parents and all stakeholders, the district endeavors to nurture and develop the greatness in every student. 


The Willingboro Public School District envisions a community of 21st century thinkers and learners dedicated to academic excellence. Students will become lifelong learners and productive citizens who will be prepared to compete in a competitive, pluralistic, and ever-changing global society. 


  • Student-focused decision making is a fundamental principle used to ensure that all students receive a quality education that a community of invested stakeholders value, support, and enhance through a collaborative effort.

  • Each student possesses the ability to achieve their academic goals when adults focus on the whole-child and provide the most appropriate support for success.

  • The educational environment must foster respectful relationships, inspire students to excel, and prepare them for college and career readiness.

  • Teacher quality is vital to engaging students in relevant, authentic tasks and improving student achievement.

  • All stakeholders are critical in the educational process. 


District goals are established to ensure that a plan of action is created, monitored, and successfully implemented to fulfill our mission to provide all students with a quality educational experience that prepares them to be productive members of our ever-changing, global society.

Each year, the Willingboro Board of Education develops goals that govern various initiatives, community outreach, and student academic performance outcomes. Annual goals are approved by resolution and serve to provide the Superintendent of Schools with focused priorities. The Superintendent is responsible for demonstrating progress toward achieving the goals.


The Board has a responsibility to ensure that the District’s goals reflect community values, to establish the necessary policies to achieve the goals, and to communicate with the community about the goals and progress toward them.

The Superintendent is responsible for progress toward the goals, through the management of all staff to achieve clearly stated milestones on an annual basis.

All staff members will work collaboratively to ensure that our students are presented with a rigorous instructional program, provided with resources and materials of high interest from diverse perspectives, and exposed to instruction that consists of relevant learning tasks that expand their critical thinking skills in order to solve complex, real-life problems.


  1. Student Achievement – The Willingboro Public School District will promote the academic achievement of all students through rigorous instruction and authentic assessments provided in the least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and challenge each student to perform to her/his maximum ability level.

  2. Staff Development and Support – The Willingboro Public School District will attract, develop and retain excellent quality staff with a focus on relevant professional development through mindfulness and cultural responsiveness and 21st-century teaching strategies.

  3. Community Engagement – The Willingboro Public School District will build strong partnerships with families and the community by focusing on communication, collaboration, and consistency to promote a system of care, support, and extended learning opportunities for all students inside and outside of the classroom.

  4. Finance/Operations – The Willingboro Public School District will effectively manage all financial operations of the district to ensure that the maximum amount of funding is devoted to curriculum, instruction, and assessment.


  • Meet the Board Members

  • Policies & By-laws

  • View Meeting Agendas & Minutes