Principal Jaqueline Howard
(609) 835-8950 x4002
Danielle Daniels
(609) 835-8950 x4000
Guidance Counselor
Jordan Cagle
(609) 835-8950 x4600
Behavior Specialist
Sharron Coleman
(609) 835-8950 x4039
56 Brooklawn Drive
Willingboro, NJ 08046
Main Office Phone: (609) 835-8960
Fax: (609) 835-xxxx
Welcome to the Alternative School where our mission is to inspire, educate, and encourage every student to achieve success through academics, while also growing socially and emotionally. At the Alternative School, we assume a holistic approach, which is achieved by identifying and tending to needs beyond academics. This approach, we believe, is the most effective way of co-authoring a successful journey to the world of college and career.
“We Are Now At A Point Where We Must Educate Our Children In What No One Knew Yesterday, And Prepare Our Schools For What No One Knows Yet” - Margaret Mead.
The staff members at the Alternative School are committed to the success of all students. At our school, highly qualified and dedicated staff members work collaboratively to ensure that all students are provided with a quality educational experience, which fosters the personal, intellectual, social, and emotional growth and development of each student, which in turn, will motivate student achievement; our primary focus.
One of the most essential benefits at the Alternative School is our small learning environment. Our students have a wonderful opportunity to receive targeted academic support in a nurturing and supportive environment.
Additionally, a major focus at the Alternative school is the desire to see all students flourish and become proactive and productive citizens. We pride ourselves in the fact that because we are such a quaint community, building nurturing and supportive relationships between staff and students is inevitable. These relationships are cultivated through morning meetings and small group activities, which focus heavily on character education and mindfulness. This focus is critical in holistic development, which is paramount for students to focus on building their life skills, meet district and state graduation requirements, and experience success.
We teach our students that through a sense of togetherness, strong relationships, and a daily commitment to be their best, anything is possible. We foster a community mentality where we cultivate students to grow socially, emotionally, and intellectually in preparation for life beyond High School.
The Alternative School strictly adheres to the state academic requirements for graduation. Students must acquire 125 credits and pass the state-mandated exams to graduate high school. The Alternative School provides a strong college preparatory course study through English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, and Physical Education/Health courses. We provide elective courses online through Educere. Educere provides an on-line teacher and assistant for each course. Staff members are also available to assist students with their online courses.
Students who are referred to the Alternative School exhibit one or more of the following: attendance below 90%, disciplinary infractions, credit deficiency, and poor academic performance. Once enrolled, a student is given a school schedule to facilitate graduation within the student’s cohort when possible.
The Alternative School offers a supportive environment for scholars’ academic and emotional growth. Positive behavior and character education are proven to help students acquire the knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes necessary for student achievement and success in life. Our PBSIS program will continue to be the underlying force of guiding student behavior. The Alternative School offers the following programs and activities to support academic and emotional growth;
Morning Meetings - set the tone for the day and celebrate student accomplishments
Behavior Points- encourage students to make positive choices both inside and outside of the classroom.
School Store-reward students for improvement in attendance, grades and behavior
Young Ladies/Gentlemen's Club- Behavior Specialist and Guidance Counselor focus on topics young adults face today
Meditation- small group meditation to help students focus on their daily goals
Making a Change Room- allow students who lose focus and/or who need to reflect a quiet place to rejuvenate
The focus of the Alternative School is to meet students where they are and show them that they can obtain the goals they set for themselves. We endeavor to ensure that all students achieve their high school diploma and prepare for college and career.
Our motto is “Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.” We want our students to make good choices daily for their educational and social development.
Overall, educating our scholars is a team effort. We welcome our parents and community members to our school family. As a family, we hope to enjoy the rewards that will come as a result of our collective efforts to make the Alternative School a school of academic excellence.
I absolutely love what I do and look forward to working with all stakeholders to ensure that all students achieve success.