Application Information
The Board of Education maintains that the public schools are owned and operated by and for the community, and to this end encourages the public use of school facilities for educational, cultural, and civic purposes. Use/rental of school facilities, while not a part of the mission of the Board of Education, is provided as a service to the community in the interest of supporting recreational and cultural activities for the good of its citizens.
Please submit an Application for Use of Facilities along with a signed Indemnity Agreement (located at the back of Policy 7510) at a minimum of 60 days before your scheduled event. The application can be delivered to the Buildings and Grounds Office located at 38 Industrial Drive, Willingboro, NJ or emailed to the Facilities Manager, Peter Temperino at All applicants are asked to review policy 7510 thoroughly prior to submitting the Application for Use of Facilities.
Once your application is submitted, someone will contact you with a cost estimate.