IXL Diagnostic Testing began on Wednesday, September 23rd. The IXL Real-time Diagnostic Test continues this week. The testing window is from Wednesday, September 23nd- Friday, October 9th in ELA and Mathematics grades K-12. It is important for students to take the test independently. Students can log in through their Clever app. This test is designed to help your child’s teacher determine areas of strength and areas of challenge, and will not count in any way towards their grade.
If a student receives assistance (or uses assistive technology to help them with their test), their data will tell the teacher that the student has competency in a skill where they might actually need support. As a result of that data, the teachers may alter their instruction before your child is ready. On the other hand, students who do not take the test seriously may find that they end up with instruction and intervention that they may not actually need.
For these reasons, it is extremely important that the students complete these assessments independently. In the event, your child sees a question they do not know how to answer, please encourage them to click: “I don’t know this yet.” While we greatly appreciate your willingness to assist your child’s understanding and achievement, this is one case where it is critical that your student’s abilities and achievements be completely transparent, so we are asking that you do not assist your children while they are taking their diagnostic test. The IXL Parent Guide is attached for your information. We look forward to partnering with you in education.
IXL At Home Diagnostic Guide for Parents
Nadine Tribbett
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction