Congratulations to Principal Ash, the faculty, students and parents of Willingboro High School for increasing their 4-year Graduation Rate for the 6th consecutive year! From 62% in 2012 to now 89.35% for the class of 2018! #Boropride #ittakesavillage #graduationrates

April 18th will be Willingboro's Autism Awareness Day!! Show your support by buying a t-shirt and celebrating Willingboro Public School’s "Super-heroes". T- Shirts are on sale now until Friday April 5th by the end of the school day. Please get all money and order forms to Ms. Robinson or Mrs. Stretch @ Memorial Middle School. All proceeds go towards the Autism programs at Hawthorne, Memorial Middle School and Willingboro High School. Order form HERE --> https://5il.co/70dw

Please read the Thank You letter from the New Jersey Department of Education regarding our involvement in this year's Inaugural Black History Month Celebration --> https://5il.co/6ydf

In the spring, your child will participate in the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments to measure his or her academic progress with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. NJSLA Updated Letter Here --> https://5il.co/6yde

NJSLA Parent Workshop, April 4th 2019. This has been changed from the previous date of March 22nd.

Kindergarten Early Registration Information. Please click here --> https://5il.co/6x0k

2019 Pre-Kindergarten Round-Up Time. Please click here for more information --> https://5il.co/6x0h

Congratulations to the newly inducted members of the Willingboro High School chapter of the National Honor Society!

Read Across America Week was celebrated all across the 'Boro! Thank you to the sponsors and volunteers!

Important Parent Letter Regarding Internet Safety - Please Click Here --> https://5il.co/6tyl

The Office of Curriculum and Instruction's February edition of our Curriculum Matters newsletter is out! Take a look here -->https://www.smore.com/mxr48

Pre Sale for Tuesday's Central Group I Boys Basketball #Championship game will begin today (3/4/19) at Willingboro HS Athletic Ticket booth from 4pm - 7pm. Game Day Tickets will be sold starting at 3pm. Doors open at 4:30pm. (4 Ticket Limit per person) #Boropride

Troy Singleton presents Principal Burgess the NJ Legislature Resolution recognizing him for the honor of becoming New Jersey's National Distinguished Principal of the Year.

Congratulations to our Group 1 State Champion Willingboro High School Chimera Football Team's Players and Coaches on being honored by the NJ Legislature!

Life is sweet for Willingboro entrepreneur baker. See the full story here --> https://www.burlingtoncountytimes.com/news/20190221/life-is-sweet-for-willingboro-entrepreneur-baker

Boys Basketball BCSL Player of the Week: Rasheem Dickerson of Willingboro.

Jayaire King joins illustrious list of Willingboro 400-meter dash state champions!!!! Click Here ---> https://sjtrackblog.com/2019/02/15/jayaire-king-joins-illustrious-list-of-willingboro-400-meter-dash-state-champions/

The Office of Curriculum and Instruction's January edition of our Curriculum Matters newsletter is out. Take a look here --> https://www.smore.com/495zc

Thank you to Dave Martin-Willingboro High School c/o 1988. A mechanical engineer working at @blueorigin ...which is the rocket company started by Jeff Bezos (the founder of Amazon). Last week they launched the #NewShepard rocket on its tenth mission and it achieved an altitude of over 350,000 feet!!! There's a video about it here
Employees sometimes get the opportunity to fly personal objects as payload and last week Mr. Martin put his Willingboro High School class ring onboard!!! #Boropride #STEM #ChimeraAlums #Blueorigin #rocketscientist

You're Invited! An Evening with WNBA champion and Willingboro Alum, Crystal Langhorne. For more info and to view flyer, click here --> https://5il.co/6cl9