Greetings JAC Family!
My name is Dr. Terence Somerville. I am honored to begin serving as the new principal at James A. Cotten Intermediate School. I will do my best to learn quickly so that I can ensure that the great work continues!
Although I am new to Cotten, I want to assure you that I am not new to the position of Principal nor Administration. Prior to coming to Willingboro, I proudly and successfully served over 10 years as an elementary and middle school administrator in several school districts in New Jersey.
During my academic leadership journey, I remain passionate about academic achievement but through my doctoral studies have been able to understand that the academic experience for children is synergistic. Meaning, social emotional wellness, safety, affirmation, and building positive relationships are all equally important when it comes to educating our children.
As an instructional leader, I value innovation, creativity, collaboration, communication, transparency, visibility, and trust. When allowing these values to guide my practice, school communities under my leadership have achieved success.
My mission is and will always be to do what is best for children! My brand is School D.A.D. DAD stands for Do All Deeds. My goal is to be what “all” stakeholders need in their moment of need. That is my “Why”. I know my “Why” aligns with the “Why” of many of you because I have been having very meaningful and inspiring conversations with various school community members and believe we are in a great place already! I would like to give the teachers here at Cotten a huge shout out as the conversations that I have had informed me of your unwavering dedication to students even through adversity!
I look forward to getting to know you all. I love communicating and collaborating to get the job done. Thank you in advance for providing me grace as I get acclimated to this new journey. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your principal.
Dr. Terence Somerville