Please click here for a Special Notice - Board Retreat -->
over 3 years ago, The Chimera
The Willingboro Public Library & Willingboro Township Youth Advisory Committee will be hosting a Teen Library Night at the Library on Friday, August 13, 2021. Click here for more information -->
over 3 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
One of our Willingboro High School alumni (Class of 1992), Ms. Chiquita Brooks-LaSure has been confirmed by the Senate to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, one of the most powerful posts at the Department of Health and Human Services. Congratulations to Ms. Brooks-LaSure! Read more in the New York Times -->
almost 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
To view the Notice of Cancellation - Request for Proposals - Health Benefits/Insurance Broker, click here -->
almost 4 years ago, The Chimera
Willingboro's Panthers Football and Cheerleading Association information.
almost 4 years ago, The Chimera
Panthers Football and Cheerleading
Please click on the images below to see some fun and exciting events going on in Willingboro.
almost 4 years ago, The Chimera
Fishing Challenge
Wee Tennis
Youth Tennis
Please click on the following link for a Special Board Notice -->
almost 4 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the following link for a Special Board Notice regarding the Board meeting for Monday, April 12th. -->
almost 4 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the following link for a Special Board Notice -->
almost 4 years ago, The Chimera
The Twin Hills’ Read Across America Committee is excited to share our comprehensive Bitmoji room, designed to give students access to an array of reading opportunities that encompass various reading genres. Check it out here -->
about 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
This week, the Willingboro Public Schools celebrates Read Across America! Today, we are sharing a video of Dr. Hackett reading, "Have You Filled a Bucket Today". Check it out here -->
about 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Join WHYY and Willingboro students, teachers, parents, and stakeholders for a Community Conversation about the future of school and education, and whether online learning should be the new normal. This will take place at 6:00 PM tonight. Register here -->
about 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Please click on the following link to view a Board Special Notice regarding Ethics Training for the Board of Education. -->.
about 4 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the following link to view youth and teen activities that are going on in the township. -->
about 4 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the following link to view a Board Special Notice regarding the upcoming Budget Meetings for the 2012-22 SY. -->
about 4 years ago, The Chimera
We will resume our synchronous learning remote instruction today, Tuesday, February 2, 2021. All students should report to homeroom at their regularly scheduled time. District buildings will be closed. Breakfast and lunch distribution will take place on February 2, 2021, at Levitt Intermediate School only from 8: 00 am to 2:00 p.m.
about 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Due to the inclement weather and its potential impact on internet connectivity, the district will be closed tomorrow, February 1, 2021, for a snow day. All classes will be canceled and breakfast and lunch will not be distributed.
about 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Please click on the following link for the Board Special Notice regarding the upcoming Budget Meeting. -->
about 4 years ago, The Chimera
For a new board special notice, please click here -->
about 4 years ago, The Chimera
Willingboro High School Scholar Athlete Balikis Iyiola was recently featured on News 12! Check it out -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools