Beginning Monday, December 7, 2020 until Monday, January 11, 2021 the hours of operation for the Country Club Administration Building are from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
District Offices and School Buildings will be closed between November 30, 2020 and December 4, 2020. Teachers will be providing instruction from home. In addition, all district business will be conducted virtually. Staff members will check emails and telephone messages regularly throughout the week. Meal distribution for the week of November 30, 2020 will be held daily at Levitt Intermediate School only from 8:00 12:00 noon.
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Meal distribution for November 25, 2020 at Levitt Intermediate and Memorial Middle will be as follows: meals for 11/25, 11/26, 11/27, 11/28, and 11/29.
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
The CDC has posted recommendations for small groups and gatherings for the holiday season -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Parents: Click here to view a letter from Dr. Neely Hackett, Superintendent, regarding virtual learning -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Tonight's scheduled football game against Haddonfield is cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
The Willingboro Fire Department has shared this video with Willingboro Students for Fire Prevention Month ->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Burlington County will be holding an emergency food distribution on Saturday, 10/17. Click here for details -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
WHS has joined the NFHS Network to bring you LIVE online access of every game! Join the NFHS Network for full access to all WHS games. Fans who can’t make the game will never miss a play again! Click here to subscribe -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Please take a moment to fill out the Option 1 (Request for Remote Learning) Survey. If you have already filled it out, thank you for your time. Please note, if you have multiple students, you must fill out a survey for each one. Thank you. Survey Link HERE -->
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
TRUNK - O - TREAT at the Kennedy Center. Please click on the images below.
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Trunk O Treat 1
Trunk O Treat 2
Check out the Week of Respect activities occurring in the Willingboro Public Schools -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
Tuition assistance is available for children ages 5-13. Click here for more information -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
View the dates and times of this year's Back to School Nights -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
View the Superintendent's Statement on Fans at Athletic Events -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
To call into the board meeting for Monday, September 14th, at 7pm, please use this information --> (‪US‬) +1 219-488-1898‬ PIN: ‪990 445 158#‬
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
View our "Welcome Back, Willingboro!" Video, premiering at 12:00 PM -->
over 4 years ago, Willingboro Public Schools
To call into the board meeting tonight at 6pm, please use this information --> Phone Numbers (‪US‬) ‪+1 585-666-1384‬ PIN: ‪457 502 237#
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the image. Free Haircuts and School Supplies information.
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Free Haircuts and School Supplies
Please click on the following link to read about the Board Special Meeting to be held virtually on Wednesday, September 2nd at 6pm. Click here to view the notice -->
over 4 years ago, The Chimera