Willingboro Public Schools will be offering its first Parent workshop, "Guide to Virtual Learning" on Tuesday, September 1. Click here for details --> http://bit.ly/wpsguidetovirtuallearning
over 4 years ago, Phillip Crisostomo
Information about Chromebook distribution for staff and students is available --> bit.ly/wpschromebook2020
over 4 years ago, Phillip Crisostomo
To join us for the board meeting on Monday, Aug 24th, please use the following call in information.--> ‪(US) +1 904-580-4790‬ PIN: ‪601 016 802‬#
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
During the 2020-2021 school year, we will be hosting monthly Parent Virtual Workshops. Please click the survey link so that we can gather your invaluable input. ---> https://forms.gle/apypSdyxX3m9Lt1x7
over 4 years ago, Phillip Crisostomo
To join us for the board meeting on Monday, Aug 15th, please use the following call in information.--> ‪(US) +1 904-580-4790‬ PIN: ‪601 016 802‬#
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
To join us for the board meeting on Friday, Aug 14th, please use the following call in information.--> ‪(US) +1 904-580-4790‬ PIN: ‪601 016 802‬#
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Please make note that a Special Meeting has been scheduled to hold a Retreat for the Willingboro Board of Education Board Members. Please see flyer for more details. --> https://5il.co/jibe
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
This message is posted on behalf of Dr. Neely Hackett, Superintendent of Schools. I am pleased to inform you that the Willingboro Township is providing breakfast and lunch meals to Willingboro residents Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at Levitt Intermediate School. The program will conclude on August 28, 2020. The township has provided this program for 13 years.
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
To join us for the board meeting on Monday, Aug 10th, please use the following call in information.--> ‪(US) +1 904-580-4790‬ PIN: ‪601 016 802‬#
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
The Willingboro Board of Education will have a hybrid Board of Education meeting on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The Board of Education members will convene in the Professional Development Center at the Country Club Administration Building. The public is invited to join the meeting in the Board Room at the Country Club Administration Building and watch the meeting on a large screen. Social distancing protocols will be observed. Community members will also be able to participate in the meeting virtually utilizing Google Meet. To join the meeting virtually please use the following call in number. —> (‪US‬) +1 904-580-4790‬ PIN: ‪601 016 802#‬
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Watch the recap of Willingboro High School's 2020 Graduation --> https://youtu.be/ptTCl73dwfo
over 4 years ago, Phillip Crisostomo
Read a letter from Mr. Owen, Director of Health & Physical Education, regarding summer workouts and a mandatory questionnaire --> https://5il.co/i96s
over 4 years ago, Phillip Crisostomo
Summer Enrichment Assignments (K-12): http://bit.ly/wpssummer2020
over 4 years ago, Phillip Crisostomo
To join us for the special board meeting tonight, please use the following call in information.--> ‪(US) +1 904-580-4790‬ PIN: ‪601 016 802‬#
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Willingboro Public Library Summer Reading Program --> https://5il.co/hhi1
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Virtual Bid Openings for June 23rd, 2020 please click here --> https://5il.co/hey5
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Willingboro High School Faculty and Staff present the Class of 2020! Congratulations Trailblazers!! View the Virtual Graduation Video Here on June 23rd at 6pm --> https://youtu.be/yAuBlFL3krw
over 4 years ago, The Chimera
Comcast is offering 2 months of FREE high speed internet to Willingboro residents. Please click here to see if you qualify. --> https://5il.co/h3al Then click here to learn how to fill out the application --> https://5il.co/h3am
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Notice of Board Meeting Date Change --> https://5il.co/h2wk
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
A Message about Workshop 2020 --> https://5il.co/h2wh
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera