Tonight's Virtual Board Meeting call in number --> 1- 904-580-4790‬ PIN: ‪601 016 802#‬
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
To participate in the virtual bid opening for the Levitt Intermediate School HVAC Improvements bid, please click on the following link. The bid opening is at 3PM EST. -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
High School Graduation Letter to the community of Willingboro. -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Neely Hackett's letter about regarding George Floyd. -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Cathedral Cares Food Pantry Covid-19 food assistance distribution. Read more here -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Parents and Guardians as a reminder, the district will be closed on June 2, 2020. Breakfast and Lunch will not be distributed on June 2nd. However, breakfast and lunch for June 2nd will be included with the June 1st distribution. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Food Services Bid Opening, Tuesday, May 12th at 10AM - This will be a virtual call in event. You may enter the call at 9:45am but the bid opens promptly at 10am. Call in number -> ‪+1 650-560-4038‬ PIN: ‪125 233 226#‬
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!!
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Gov. Murphy just announced that NJ schools are to remain CLOSED through the remainder of the academic year.
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Board Special Notice. Read Here -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
A letter from the Superintendent of Schools -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Welcome to our new Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Neely Hackett!! Please take a moment to read her bio, found here. -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please read the Board Special Notice attached Here -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please click the following link for a message from the Acting Superintendent of Schools -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the following link for a letter from the Acting Superintendent of Schools -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
NJTV, NJ’s public television network, in partnership with the NJEA and the NJ Dept of Education, announced the launch of a new series of on-air instruction called NJTV Learning Live. Weekdays starting 4/6, kids can tune in to NJTV for on-air classes, taught by some of NJ’s finest, including Willingboro's own Mrs. Michelle-Anne Spring! On-air classes will be taught daily for grades 3-6 from 9-1 on NJTV. Find your local NJTV Channel here:
almost 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
Tonights Board meeting will be a virtual meeting. Please use this phone number and pin number to join in. 917-791-7286‬ PIN: ‪102 116 335‬#
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please be advised that the Willingboro Public Schools are closed due to the Governor's Executive Order. Willingboro Public Schools is committed to providing details, resources and educational information regarding COVID-19 to our community. We are implementing precautionary measures, while staying up to date with the information provided by the New Jersey Department of Education, New Jersey Department of Health, Burlington County Health Department and the Center for Disease Control. As with all school districts, we are cooperating with the New Jersey Department of Education in gathering information regarding our adopted procedures. We are also prepared to follow all requirements as set forth by the New Jersey Department of Health. Please continue to monitor information sources regarding the coronavirus including guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). We will use this website as the resource page for our families. All communications will be maintained on this website, along with other valuable resources and information. Stay Safe !
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Parents and guardians in need of child care can contact the Child Care Resource and Referral Agency in their county. CCR&Rs will have the most up to date information on available care options and subsidies. Go to:
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the following link for a Change to the upcoming Board Meeting. -->
almost 5 years ago, The Chimera