Board Resolution Please view Here --> https://5il.co/dxts

Message from Ms. Tribbett, Acting Superintendent of Schools: The Willingboro Public Schools will continue to provide packaged "Grab and Go" breakfast and lunch meals effective Monday - Friday from 8:00 am til 1:00 pm at no cost to qualified free and reduced families at the Levitt Intermediate School. No application is required. The meals are free and will be distributed in a drive through fashion. No one will be permitted to enter the building. Cars will be directed to form a line. We ask for your patience with this process as we work together to serve the needs of our children.
Our goal is to make sure that all families have access to healthy food during the closure due to the Corona-virus. We are all in this together.

In lieu of the recent state, local and CDC requirements and recommendations regarding curfews and public gatherings, we ask that members of the public consider the federal guidance when deciding whether to attend the meeting in person. We are mindful of the public’s right to attend the Board Meeting and appreciate every member of the public who attend our meetings and engage in meaningful topics that affect our community. Our District is doing its part to help in the efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by encouraging members of the public to practice safe social distancing at the Board of Education Budget Meeting occurring Wednesday , March 18th at 5:30 p.m.

CCAB will be open from 10-11 AM on March 17 for parents of students in need of Pre-K, K, & 1 hard copy packets and for parents of students w/limited tech at home in need of loaner devices (1 device per family, bring ID).

The Board Budget Meeting scheduled for tonight is Cancelled, there currently is no reschedule date.

Parent/Guardian letter from the Acting Superintendent of Schools (March 15th, 2020) --> https://5il.co/dqxm

District Closure Letter --> https://5il.co/dpp1

Important message from the Acting Superintendent of Schools. Click here --> https://5il.co/do0x

For households currently without internet service: Comcast has made their Internet Essentials program free to new low-income customers for two months. To sign up, applicants can go to www.internetessentials.com.

In the event of a public health-related closure, the Willingboro Township School District has created an educational contingency plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.willingboroschools.org/contingency-plan-for-distance-learning

A message to all Employees/Parents/Guardians and Community about the Coronavirus Update. Please click here --> https://5il.co/dn29

Please read this important letter from Acting Superintendent, Nadine Tribbett, regarding the upcoming district administration of state standardized assessments.--> https://5il.co/dkje

For ALL FAMILIES that have a student enrolled in Willingboro Schools, please fill out the following survey. Thank you. --> https://forms.gle/DPGx3AygMZMHToE88

A message to all Employees about the Coronavirus. Please click here --> https://5il.co/de4u

A message to all Parents/Guardians about the Coronavirus. Please click here --> https://5il.co/dcic

The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the February 2020 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here: https://www.smore.com/u7jvn

Please click on the following link for information on the Pre K Registration --> https://5il.co/d8zt

Preschool Roundup - Registering PK3 & PK4 for school year 2020-21 - Please Fill out Online Registration Form -- https://genesis.genesisedu.com/willingboro/openReg?screen=welcomeScreen&action=form

Special Board Notice, Budget Calendar --> https://5il.co/d5so

Please click here for an important Board Notice --> https://5il.co/d52m