Please join us on Thursday February 20th from 6-7:30 at WHS for our district Curriculum Night (for parents only).

The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the January 2020 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here: https://www.smore.com/pxk0e

The Marking Period 2 Report Card for Grades 5-12 will be made available on the Genesis Parent Portal at the end of the day on February 12, 2020.

The Trimester 2 Progress Report for Grades 1-4 will be sent home and made available on the Genesis Parent Portal at the end of the day on January 27, 2020.

The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the December 2019 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here: https://www.smore.com/e481j

Reminder: Grade 1-4 Report Cards will be sent home with students on Dec. 20. These report cards will be viewable in the Genesis Parent Portal on Dec. 20 at 4 PM. In addition, Progress Reports for Grades 5-12 will be viewable in the Genesis Parent Portal on Dec. 20 at 4 PM.

Please click on the following link for a Special Notice regarding the Board Reorganization Meeting. --> https://5il.co/bx0z

Please click on the following link for an important letter from the Interim Superintendent regarding Progress and Report Cards. --> https://5il.co/btdz

Please click the following link for an important letter regarding Standards-Based Report Cards --> https://5il.co/bo0u

Please use the following link to purchase adult tickets online for this weekend's Football Championship games at Rutgers. https://scarletknights.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=HS8&linkID=rutgers&shopperContext

Reminder: All schools are closed on Mon. Dec. 9 for a District Staff Development Day.

Reminder: Students in Pre K - Grade 6 have early dismissals for parent conferences on Dec. 3, 4, 5 & 6.

The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the November 2019 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here: https://www.smore.com/kr4y2

Marking Period 1 Report Cards for Grades 5-12 will be available to view in the Genesis Parent Portal on 11/20/19 at 9 AM. These MP1 Report Cards will be mailed home on 11/25/19.

The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the October 2019 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here: https://www.smore.com/egxwd

WBOE Special Education Parent Advisory Group Information Session meeting and Wellness Policy discussion. Click here for more details --> https://5il.co/aw9j

Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey, Parent Night. Join the Parent Presentation and spend an hour learning how to talk to your kids about drugs and alcohol. More information here --> https://5il.co/avf8

District Employment Opportunities, Click Here -- > https://www.applitrack.com/willingboro/onlineapp/default.aspx

Please take a moment to read the linked document regarding the Desired Characteristics of the Superintendent of Willingboro Schools. --> https://5il.co/al4w

Please click on the following link to see upcoming Board Special Meetings regarding the Superintendent Search. --> https://5il.co/al4w