Please join us on Thursday February 20th from 6-7:30 at WHS for our district Curriculum Night (for parents only).
about 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the January 2020 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here:
about 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
The Marking Period 2 Report Card for Grades 5-12 will be made available on the Genesis Parent Portal at the end of the day on February 12, 2020.
about 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
The Trimester 2 Progress Report for Grades 1-4 will be sent home and made available on the Genesis Parent Portal at the end of the day on January 27, 2020.
about 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the December 2019 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here:
about 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
Reminder: Grade 1-4 Report Cards will be sent home with students on Dec. 20. These report cards will be viewable in the Genesis Parent Portal on Dec. 20 at 4 PM. In addition, Progress Reports for Grades 5-12 will be viewable in the Genesis Parent Portal on Dec. 20 at 4 PM.
about 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
Please click on the following link for a Special Notice regarding the Board Reorganization Meeting. -->
about 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the following link for an important letter from the Interim Superintendent regarding Progress and Report Cards. -->
over 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please click the following link for an important letter regarding Standards-Based Report Cards -->
over 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please use the following link to purchase adult tickets online for this weekend's Football Championship games at Rutgers.
over 5 years ago, The Chimera
Reminder: All schools are closed on Mon. Dec. 9 for a District Staff Development Day.
over 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
Reminder: Students in Pre K - Grade 6 have early dismissals for parent conferences on Dec. 3, 4, 5 & 6.
over 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the November 2019 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here:
over 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
Marking Period 1 Report Cards for Grades 5-12 will be available to view in the Genesis Parent Portal on 11/20/19 at 9 AM. These MP1 Report Cards will be mailed home on 11/25/19.
over 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
The WPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction is proud to present the October 2019 issue of our monthly Curriculum Matters newsletter. Please check it out here:
over 5 years ago, Ron Zalika
WBOE Special Education Parent Advisory Group Information Session meeting and Wellness Policy discussion. Click here for more details -->
over 5 years ago, The Chimera
Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey, Parent Night. Join the Parent Presentation and spend an hour learning how to talk to your kids about drugs and alcohol. More information here -->
over 5 years ago, The Chimera
District Employment Opportunities, Click Here -- >
over 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please take a moment to read the linked document regarding the Desired Characteristics of the Superintendent of Willingboro Schools. -->
over 5 years ago, The Chimera
Please click on the following link to see upcoming Board Special Meetings regarding the Superintendent Search. -->
over 5 years ago, The Chimera